Charm stones


Charms were an integral part of Highland culture for centuries. There are a good variety of charms in the museum, covering everything from preventing nightmares, encouraging rain, and warding away evil spirits. Many were collected by the Victorian folklorist Alexander Carmichael (1832-1912). Two charms have been selected for the gallery. The first is the charm of deliverance, a small round tan coloured nut, sea bean, or piece of polished wood that has been bound with metal bands. It is labelled "The Virgin's Charm of Deliverance" and was a charm a midwife placed in the hand of women in childbirth. The other charm stone is known as a witches' stone. It was deposited on the pivot stone of a gate and prevented witches from entering the croft or house.


Size: L 25 mm (charm of deliverance) Circ 187 mm (witches stone)

Sources: Carmichael Collection