Map of the forfeited lands


This map shows the estates belonging to Cameron of Lochiel that were forfeited after the 1745 uprising. Lochiel had led Clan Cameron throughout the Jacobite Rising and escaped into exile with Prince Charles Edward Stuart in 1746. Following the defeat at the Battle of Culloden in 1746 some 40 clan chiefs lost their lands in the reprisals that followed. Estates were managed and a committee of lawyers in Edinburgh controlled the profits from the land for “civilizing and improving the Highlands of Scotland, and preventing disorders there for the future.” Although profits were generally invested in the Highlands for planned villages and canals, some money was siphoned off for projects in the south. The Camerons regained their lands in 1784 through an Act of Parliament.

Material: paper

Size: L 850 mm x H 520 mm

Sources: West Highland Museum